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Privacy Policy

The following Privacy Policy explains how Hiro House CRECFIV ATO DTLA, LLC and our related companies (collectively referred to herein as “HIRO HOUSE”) collect, use and disclose personal information about individuals we meet in person or by phone, our purchasers or prospective purchasers and others whose personal information HIRO HOUSE may retain (parties whose information we collect are referred to herein as “You” or “Your”), as well as personal information obtained in connection with Your use of any of HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services.  Where used in this Privacy Policy, Connected Services refers to websites, mobile apps and/or social media sites.  By using HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services or providing Your personal information to HIRO HOUSE after receiving a copy of HIRO HOUSE’s Privacy Policy, You are consenting to the terms of this Privacy Policy.  When used herein, “HIRO HOUSE Related Company” and “HIRO HOUSE Related Companies” shall mean and refer to any other HIRO HOUSE related entity or entities, other than the specific HIRO HOUSE entity with whom you provided such information and/or engaged in a business transaction with.

Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Privacy Policy or as specifically required by law, any communication or material that You provide to HIRO HOUSE, whether received through the Connected Services, electronic means, including, but not limited to by, email, in person or telephonic meetings or otherwise collected by or submitted to HIRO HOUSE, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions, will be treated as nonproprietary.  Anything You submit, transmit or post may be used for any purpose, including, but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, market research, development of prospect lists, project planning, broadcast, posting and marketing, among other things, as permitted by law and except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy.

HIRO HOUSE may also use information transmitted to us through our Connected Services to send You electronic and other messages about an offering from one of our HIRO HOUSE Related Companies. Your use of HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services constitutes our permission to do so unless You specify otherwise.  HIRO HOUSE complies with the US Federal CAN-SPAM Act, and HIRO HOUSE makes every effort to ensure that our messages are not considered spam. Of course, You may unsubscribe from any messages HIRO HOUSE sends for commercial purposes at any time using the unsubscribe option in the email or contacting us as described in the “How to Opt-In/Opt-Out of Information Sharing” section of this Privacy Policy.  You will not receive further electronic messages from HIRO HOUSE after unsubscribing or contact us through opt-out procedures.  You will not be able to opt-out of or unsubscribe from any emails or messages where the primary purpose is to communicate transactional or relationship content (i.e. content which facilitates an already agreed-upon transaction or updates a customer about an ongoing transaction).

HIRO HOUSE may provide You with an “opt-in” or “opt-out” mechanism depending on where You are located when HIRO HOUSE collects Your personal data.  An “opt-in” mechanism will provide You with the opportunity to positively indicate that You would like or do not object to HIRO HOUSE sending You further communications.  If we provide you with an opt-in/opt-out mechanism when collecting personal data, we will not send You any unless you have opted-in.  An “opt-out” mechanism will provide You with the opportunity to indicate that You do not want HIRO HOUSE to send You further communications, and if you opt-out we will not send you any.  Either way, opting-in or opting-out will be up to You and, in addition, if You do not want HIRO HOUSE to use Your personal data for a particular purpose or disclose it to a third party, You may opt-out at any time by contacting us as provided below.

Categories of Information HIRO HOUSE Collects

HIRO HOUSE collects personal information from You for commercial and business purposes.  Personal information refers to information that identifies, relates to, describes, is reasonably capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be linked, directly or indirectly with You or Your household.  The categories of personal information HIRO HOUSE has collected and used for business and commercial purposes during the past twelve (12) months are the following: personal identifiers (e.g. name, mailing and/or physical address, government-issued identification numbers, Internet Protocol address); consumer information (e.g. email address, home, work and/or cellular telephone numbers, fax number, credit card, debit card and bank account numbers; signatures); commercial activity records (e.g. credit reports, purchasing history, other HIRO HOUSE transactions); internet browsing history and other online usage; geological data or any other information which may be necessary for the obtaining of any services from HIRO HOUSE or any of its related companies.

Additionally, HIRO HOUSE may collect nonpublic personal information about You from the following sources:

  • Online requests to receive information regarding HIRO HOUSE homes or other products and services offered by HIRO HOUSE. If an information request is received, HIRO HOUSE will collect Your contact information including Your name, address, email address, telephone number(s), area of interest and any other information HIRO HOUSE needs to respond to Your request.
  • If you are interested in products and services related to the building, purchase or rental of a home, HIRO HOUSE and/or unrelated companies to HIRO HOUSE that may collaborate with HIRO HOUSE during the home building process that provide such product or services may request that You submit an application and/or enter into agreements containing identification, financial or other personal information. Depending on the nature of the products and/or services You request, these documents may require Your signature, Your social security number, Your driver’s license or passport information, and/or information about Your income, assets and liabilities. The disclosure of some of the foregoing may be protected by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.
  • Third party service provider(s) who process, on behalf of HIRO HOUSE, Your credit card, debit card or bank account information if You enter into an agreement purchase, finance or lease a home from HIRO HOUSE.
  • If You comment on HIRO HOUSE’s social media or blogs, HIRO HOUSE collects Your comment, name and email address.
  • If any of HIRO HOUSE’s mobile Connected Services request access to the camera and photos on Your mobile device and You grant permission, HIRO HOUSE may access Your camera and photos.
  • HIRO HOUSE requests contact information from real estate brokers and salespersons and other parties who express an interest in conducting business with HIRO HOUSE or seeking information about HIRO HOUSE communities.
  • If You request information about employment opportunities with HIRO HOUSE, HIRO HOUSE may request a copy of Your resume, Your educational background, Your employment history and information about the employment opportunities you are seeking.
  • While conducting business with HIRO HOUSE, You may elect to provide information about Your education, employment or other personal matters. Unless specifically necessary for a particular accommodation, service or application (e.g. in connection with accommodation for Your home), HIRO HOUSE kindly requests that you do not provide or disclose any sensitive or personal medical information.
  • Information HIRO HOUSE receives from communications between You and a HIRO HOUSE sales associate or another member of the HIRO HOUSE team.
  • If you provide email addresses for friends and family, HIRO HOUSE will use such information to receive a notification regarding Your move or other stated purposes.

Additionally, in connection with the use of the Connected Services, HIRO HOUSE automatically collects certain web analytics information, including, among other information, the number of visitors to HIRO HOUSE’s website, Your IP address, session time, browser  type and operating system, other usage information about Your use of the Connected Services, browsing and search history and information related to interactions with HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services and other Connected Services, applications or advertisements.  Your IP address or mobile device identification may transmit general information about your geolocation and You may allow us to obtain more detailed geolocation information (“Technical Information”).  HIRO HOUSE will store such Technical Information using cookies or other online technologies.

Although the Technical Information collected in accordance with this Privacy Policy may not specifically identify You, Technical Information can be combined with information about Your internet activities to identify Your particular interests and preferences.  Information from individual websites may be aggregated by third parties and used for advertising targeted to Your interests, marketing purposes and data analytics.  You can find information about these technologies, their functionality and why HIRO HOUSE may use them, as well as how You can restrict such technologies by reviewing the “How We Use Cookies and Interest-Based Advertising and How You Can Limit Use” Section below.

Each vendor identified on, or accessed from, HIRO HOUSE’s website has its own policies on the collection and use of Technical Information and the use of cookies or other online technologies.

If you wish to contact HIRO HOUSE’s webmaster, HIRO HOUSE will request Your contact information.

Categories of Information We May Collect from HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and Third Parties

HIRO HOUSE Related Companies collect and use personal information about Your transactions collected by other HIRO HOUSE Related Companies.  We may collect and use personal information from unrelated third parties, and subject to Your consent, certain credit and other financial information.  Such personal information may include payment history, status of a loan application or other application submitted to a HIRO HOUSE Related Company or third company, or other information about Your transaction with the HIRO HOUSE Related Company or third party.  Disclosure of some of this information may be protected by the Fair Credit Reporting Act.  HIRO HOUSE Related Companies may have posted their own privacy policy on their websites that explain how that particular related company collects, uses and discloses personal information.

HIRO HOUSE may request to receive Your credit information from consumer reporting agencies, including Your credit history and creditworthiness, records of current and past home ownership or rental and other purchasing or consumer activities in connection with the homebuying process, the leasing of property, a mortgage application or other similar transactions.

HIRO HOUSE may receive personal information from unrelated companies HIRO HOUSE may collaborate with that provide products or services related to the building, purchase or rental of a home for customer lead generation and marketing purposes, as You may authorize.

HIRO HOUSE may receive information such as demographic information from publicly available and commercial databases, including data analytics and marketing research resources.

By linking a social-media account or other third-party account to our Connected Services, You may be authorizing those social media companies or other third party to send information about You to HIRO HOUSE.  In addition, You are authorizing HIRO HOUSE to collect, store and use the information transmitted to HIRO HOUSE by such social media company or third party in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

HIRO HOUSE may use information aggregated from a variety of sources (e.g.  offline sources, online sources and Connected Services) to evaluate the performance of a marketing campaign.

HIRO HOUSE may receive and collect information about You from third party websites.  For example, if You access HIRO HOUSE’s website through a third-party website such as Facebook or You click on a Facebook-served ad, Facebook may pass on certain information about Your use of its service to HIRO HOUSE.  This information could include, but is not limited to, the user ID associated with Your Facebook account, an access token necessary to access the Facebook service, any information that You have permitted Facebook to share with HIRO HOUSE, and any information that You have made public in connection with Facebook’s service.  If You allow us access to Your Facebook friends list, Your friends’ user IDs, and Your connection to those friends, such information may be used and be stored to allow You to invite Your friends to use HIRO HOUSEs products and services.  You should always review, and if necessary, adjust Your privacy settings on any third-party websites before linking them to any HIRO HOUSE services or clicking on any Facebook-served ads.

What We Do with the Information We Collect

Subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy, Your instructions to HIRO HOUSE to limit the use of particular information through Your exercise of an opt-in, opt-out or unsubscribe option provided by HIRO HOUSE, any specific terms applicable to products of services You request and the requirements of applicable law, the information HIRO HOUSE collects from You may be used for the following business and commercial purposes:

  • To personalize Your experience (Your information helps us to better respond to Your individual needs);
  • To verify customer information;
  • To maintain records of HIRO HOUSE’s customer’ needs, interests and preferences to allow us to assist customers in identifying properties and services offered by HIRO HOUSE and tailor promotions and service offerings that may be provided by HIRO HOUSE, or in some cases, HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and/or unrelated parties, through email, mail, text message or telephone. You are able to control whether You receive some or all of these marketing messages by following the opt-in and opt-out procedures contained in this Privacy Policy.
  • To process Your transactions and/or fulfill requests for information, contracts, orders and other transactions and to process payment information for transactions with HIRO HOUSE (HIRO HOUSE will not retain Your credit card information);
  • To maintain and service Your customer accounts with HIRO HOUSE and improve our customer experience (Your information helps us to more effectively respond to Your customer service requests and support needs). HIRO HOUSE will periodically send communications requesting feedback on Your customer experience;
  • To provide home purchase related services through HIRO HOUSE Related Companies;
  • To engage in advertising, marketing and online analytic services;
  • To send You periodic communications in order to build long term relationships throughout the homebuilding and homebuying process (the email address and other contact information You provide may be used to send You communication about contracting, planning, financing and completion of a community, account verification, notification of offers and acceptance, reminders regarding tasks in need of completion related to a home purchase, changes/updates to features of the HIRO HOUSE Connected Services and technical and security notices, as well as offering products and services in the future through newsletters, promotion or special offers);
  • To manage and improve our website or other HIRO HOUSE Connected Services (we continually strive to improve our Connected Service offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from You) so that such services maintain functionality and present information in a user-friendly way and to detect security incidents and protect against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or illegal activity and take appropriate action, if necessary;
  • To undertake activities to maintain the quality of HIRO HOUSE’s products and services offered by HIRO HOUSE and improve, upgrade and enhance such services including research and development;
  • To develop demographic information for market research and statistical research for new communities and product development, community planning, development of prospect list and other strategic marketing purposes;
  • To allow third party advertisers and ad services to deliver HIRO HOUSE advertisements to You on other websites You may visit, as explained herein. This includes, as an example, verifying positioning and quality of ad impressions and auditing, compliance with marketing specifications and standards. If You prefer not to receive this form of advertising, please see “How We Use Cookies and Interest-Based Advertising and How You Can Limit Use” section of this Privacy Policy.
  • To manage HIRO HOUSE’s contractual relations, protect HIRO HOUSE’s business interests, enforce HIRO HOUSE’s terms and conditions and comply with applicable law by monitoring, investigating and taking other actions necessary to detect and prevent fraudulent or illegal activities, and risks to the personal safety of any individual (see HIRO HOUSE’s terms and conditions);
  • To comply with and respond to appropriate governmental requests and to comply with valid legal process; and
  • To aggregate and de-identify personal information so that it is no longer reasonably associated with an identifiable natural person so it can be used for any lawful purpose (when necessary).

Except as required by applicable law and/or as specified in this Privacy Policy, all communications or materials You provide to HIRO HOUSE, regardless of how it is submitted (i.e. online, electronically, in person or otherwise submitted to HIRO HOUSE or collected by HIRO HOUSE), including, but not limited to any questions, comments, suggestions, data or similar information, will be treated by HIRO HOUSE as non-proprietary information.  Such non-proprietary information may be used by HIRO HOUSE for any purpose, including, among other things, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, market research, development of prospect lists, community planning, broadcast and posting and marketing,

How HIRO HOUSE Shares Personal Information and Reasons Personal Information May Be Shared

HIRO HOUSE may share personal information with and/or provide access to personal information to other HIRO HOUSE Related Companies or non-related third-party service providers to allow such related companies or third-party service provides to perform a business function for which You have engaged HIRO HOUSE on behalf of HIRO HOUSE.  HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and/or third-party service providers are not permitted to use the personal information shared for their own direct marketing or other commercial purposes.  Such HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and/or third-party service providers may only use the information to fulfill HIRO HOUSE’s business purposes.

Please visit the “How to Opt-In/Opt-Out of Information Sharing” section of this Privacy Policy to learn how You may be able to restrict access to Your personal information by non-related third parties and HIRO HOUSE Related Companies.

The categories of personal information HIRO HOUSE shared for a business purpose to HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and/or third-party service providers during the last twelve (12) months includes the following:

How HIRO HOUSE Sells Personal Information and Reasons Personal Information May Be Sold

HIRO HOUSE may also sell or exchange for value certain categories of personal information to HIRO HOUSE Related Companies or unrelated third parties.  A HIRO HOUSE Related Company and/or unrelated party may use personal information for its own direct marketing or other business or commercial purposes if the personal information is sold to the HIRO HOUSE Related Company or unrelated third party or exchanged for value.

Non-related third parties and some HIRO HOUSE Related Companies have their own policies and practices for collecting, using and sharing personal information.  These policies and practices may differ from HIRO HOUSE’s policies and practices contained in this Privacy Policy.  HIRO HOUSE is not responsible for, and does not have any control over, any unrelated third party or HIRO HOUSE Related Company with its own policies and practices, website or privacy practices.  To view the privacy policy of unrelated third parties and HIRO HOUSE Related Companies with their own policies and practices, You can go to the website of such unrelated third party or HIRO HOUSE Related Company, or by requesting a copy.

Please visit the “How to Opt-In/Opt-Out of Information Sharing” section of this Privacy Policy to learn how You may be able to restrict access to Your personal information by unrelated third parties and HIRO HOUSE Related Companies.

The categories of personal information that HIRO HOUSE possibly sold or exchanged for value within the past twelve (12) months includes the following:

Other Reasons HIRO HOUSE May Share Your Personal Information

Except as otherwise provided in this Privacy Policy, HIRO HOUSE may use, share, or disclose the personal information that HIRO HOUSE collects to third parties for the following reasons:

  • You have authorized us to share or disclose personal information to a third party.
  • To enforce the terms and conditions applicable to the use of HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services or enforce the terms and conditions of a contract.
  • To fulfill requests from You, including connecting social media accounts.
  • In response to appropriate governmental requests, applicable laws and/or valid legal process.
  • As we deem reasonably necessary to investigate, prevent or take other appropriate action in connection with potential illegal or fraudulent activities or potential risk to the personal safety of any individual or the security of Your information.
  • With the appropriate confidentiality protections, in connection with a major business transaction.

Information Sharing with Unrelated Companies

HIRO HOUSE may disclose nonpublic personal information about You to unrelated third parties as permitted by law, including pursuant to consent that You may provide.  HIRO HOUSE may also share Your nonpublic personal information with unrelated companies to market their products and services to You.

If You prefer that we do not disclose nonpublic personal information about You to unrelated third parties to market their products and services to You, You may opt-out of those disclosures.  In other words, You may direct HIRO HOUSE not to make those disclosures. If You wish to opt-out of disclosures to unrelated third parties to market their products and services to You, please contact us as described in this Privacy Policy.

Information Sharing with HIRO HOUSE Related Companies

We may disclose nonpublic personal information about You to HIRO HOUSE Related Companies as permitted by law, including pursuant to consent that You provide. We may also share Your nonpublic personal information with HIRO HOUSE Related Companies to market their products and services to You.

If You prefer that HIRO HOUSE does not disclose nonpublic personal information about You to HIRO HOUSE Related Companies in order for them to market their products and services to You, You may opt-out of those disclosures, that is, You may direct us not to make those disclosures.  If You wish to opt-out of disclosures to HIRO HOUSE Related Companies to market their products and services to You, please contact us as described in this Privacy Policy.

Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act

HIRO HOUSE is permitted to share information between HIRO HOUSE Related Companies about HIRO HOUSE transactions and experiences with You under Federal law.  However, You also have the right under Federal law to limit HIRO HOUSE’s ability to share information between HIRO HOUSE Related Companies regarding Your creditworthiness or for marketing purposes.

Notice of Your Ability to Limit Sharing of Creditworthiness Between HIRO HOUSE Related Companies

HIRO HOUSE will not share information related to Your creditworthiness between HIRO HOUSE Related Companies unless You have expressly opted-in to sharing such information as required by Federal law.  As used in this Privacy Policy, information regarding creditworthiness includes Your income, assets and other liabilities that are obtained from a consumer credit report or otherwise provided to HIRO HOUSE by You.  Even if You opt-in to HIRO HOUSE sharing Your creditworthiness between HIRO HOUSE Related Companies, You may opt-out at any time.  You may choose Your preferences for sharing creditworthiness between HIRO HOUSE Related Companies or change Your selection at any time by contacting HIRO HOUSE by email at tech@hirohouseliving.com.

Notice of Your Ability to Limit Marketing of Services by HIRO HOUSE Related Companies

HIRO HOUSE may share information with other HIRO HOUSE Related Companies related to Your income, account history and credit history in order for such HIRO HOUSE Related Companies to market their products or services to You.  You may limit HIRO HOUSE Related Company marketing offers or change Your selection at any time by contacting HIRO HOUSE by email at tech@hirohouseliving.com.

How HIRO HOUSE Retains and Protects Personal Information

Protection of Personal Information

HIRO HOUSE has physical, technical and administrative safeguards in place to protect the security and confidentiality of personal information it collects that is appropriate for the nature of the personal information collected.  Such measures are intended to reduce the possibility of security issues.  However, HIRO HOUSE cannot guarantee that such measures will prevent unauthorized access of Your personal information.  Further, HIRO HOUSE restricts access to nonpublic personal information about You to those employees who need to know that information in order to provide products or services to You.  When information is transmitted over the internet, it may find its way to unintended recipients whom You may not want to have Your personal information, which may be beyond HIRO HOUSE’s control in certain circumstances.  Please be aware that such transmissions of personal information may not be secure.

Retention of Personal Information

Personal information is retained for as long as HIRO HOUSE reasonably requires it for legal or business purposes.  HIRO HOUSE deletes and destroys any personal information when we no longer have a legitimate business interest in keeping such information.  Factors that may impact the time period for the retention of personal information are, among other things, contractual obligations, warranty periods, applicable laws and Your expectations and requirements. If You purchase a home from HIRO HOUSE, for example, HIRO HOUSE may retain Your personal information while You own the home and/or as long as HIRO HOUSE is required to by HIRO HOUSE’s contracts or applicable law.  With respect to its marketing efforts, HIRO HOUSE considers the relationship active and retains contact and preferences information after You contact HIRO HOUSE for information about HIRO HOUSE’s products and services, until HIRO HOUSE finds that You no longer show interest in HIRO HOUSE’s products and services.

Websites Belonging to Other Companies and Social Media

Websites of Other Companies

HIRO HOUSE may provide links in its Connected Services to websites of other companies that offer products and services that You may be interested in.  When You click on one of these links, You will leave HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services and be transferred to that particular company’s website.  Any personal information that You share on another company’s website will be subject to that particular company’s privacy policy, not HIRO HOUSE’s Privacy Policy.  The terms and conditions of the privacy policies for other companies may be different from the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy.  Your use of other company websites is done at Your own risk.  HIRO HOUSE does not have responsibility for, and does not have control over, the privacy practices or content on the website for other companies.

Social Media

If HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services permit You to connect Your social media accounts (e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram) to HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services, and You elect to connect Your social media accounts, You are giving HIRO HOUSE permission to access all aspects of Your social media profile information that You have made available to be shared, to be used in accordance with the social media companies terms of use and this Privacy Policy.  To find out what account information is shared with others and to manage such data, please refer to the privacy settings of Your social media account.  If You later decide that You want to disconnect Your social media account, please visit the settings of Your social media account or contact the social media company for instructions on how to do so.

How We Use Cookies and Interest-Based Advertising and How You Can Limit Use

Cookies and Similar Technologies

Cookies and similar technologies are used on HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services to analyze visiting patterns and learn information about how HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services are used. Using cookies and similar technologies on HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services provides benefits to You, such as allowing You to maintain Your account login information between visits. The use of cookies and similar technologies also allows HIRO HOUSE to measure site activity to provide a better user experience. Cookies and other devices may be used to tell us the time and length of Your visit, the pages You look at on HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services, the sites You visited just before coming to HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services, the name of Your internet service provider as well as allow HIRO HOUSE to recognize Your IP address or mobile application identifier.

HIRO HOUSE Related Companies may operate separate Connected Services and HIRO HOUSE obtains usage and activity data from such Connected Services.  HIRO HOUSE also obtains usage and activity data from third parties that host or manage certain features of our Connected Services.  The HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and third parties have their own policies on the collection and use of cookies and similar technologies.

Third parties may be engaged by HIRO HOUSE to collect activity and usage data.  HIRO HOUSE does not disclose to third party data providers any personal information that is directly identifying.  Third party providers may, however, combine user interactions with HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services with data with data from other Connected Services monitored by the same third-party provider and use the findings for its own business and commercial purposes.  A third-party provider may have the ability to correlate data from HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services to an identifiable individual.  In such an event, the third-party provider is responsible for the processing of the personal information.

How We Use Interest-Based Advertising

HIRO HOUSE may use third parties to collect personal data and to serve our advertisements on other Connected Services on HIRO HOUSE’s behalf, including Facebook and other social media.  In serving our advertisements, these companies may use cookies and other devices to collect certain information about Your visits to HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services and other Connected Services. This information collected by third party vendors, along with information that HIRO HOUSE discloses to them may also be used or shared to evaluate our online advertising campaigns or to tailor promotions and other marketing messages to You and other Connected Services users. Your browser, mobile device or tablet settings may allow You to elect to limit data collection.  If You limit interest-based advertising, You will still receive advertisements on Your browser or apps, but they may be less relevant to Your personal interests.  In addition, You may need to renew Your setting selections if You use a different browser, erase cookies from Your browser or use a different device.

HIRO HOUSE may also use third party companies to serve ads when You visit our Connected Services.  In order to provide advertisements for goods and services that may be of interest to You, these third-party companies may collect information about Your visits to our Connected Services or other Connected Services in order to tailor advertisements about goods and services to Your interests.

To learn more about interest-based advertising, as well as how to opt-out of this form of advertising on Your web browser by companies participating in the Digital Advertising Allowance (“DAA”) self-regulatory program, please visit www.aboutads.info/choices. You can also download the DAA’s AppChoices app from the App Store on an IOS mobile device or tablet, the Google Play store on an Android mobile device or tablet or from Amazon apps and games.

How to Opt-In/Opt-Out of Information Sharing

You may be interested in receiving information related to a variety of products and services in connection with a home purchase or lease from HIRO HOUSE, including, but not limited to, homeowner’s, title or renter’s insurance, home loans, security services and local merchants.  You will be requested to consent to authorize HIRO HOUSE to share Your personal information with HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and/or unrelated third parties to market their services or products to You when You provide us with Your contact information.  If You opt-in to disclosure of Your personal information and later determine that You would prefer that we do not disclose Your personal information for marketing purposes, You may change Your election at any time by submitting Your request by telephone: (310) 806-9770, by email: tech@hirohouseliving.com or by mail: Hiro House Homes, Calmwater Capital 507 S Douglas St, 2nd Floor El Segundo, CA 90245  Attn: Hiro House Consumer Relations.

Please be aware that You cannot opt-out of disclosures to third parties who perform business services on behalf of HIRO HOUSE because such information is being disclosed to allow such third party to provide the service on HIRO HOUSE’s behalf and they are not using such information for their own commercial purposes.

You can restrict the automated collection of Your personal information while using HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services through the “How We Use Cookies and Interest-Based Advertising and How You Can Limit Use” section of this Privacy Policy.

Rights of California Residents

California Consumer Privacy Act

If You reside in the State of California, You have additional rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act as described herein.  This information supplements our Privacy Policy for California residents only.  The following rights do not apply to individuals who reside outside of California.

Notice at Collection of Personal Information

The personal information HIRO HOUSE collects about consumers and the business or commercial purposes for which it will be used are described in this Privacy Policy.

Notice of Right to Opt-Out of the Sale of Personal Information

RIGHT TO OPT-OUT: Consumer’s in California have the right to direct a business not to sell their personal information to others. You can exercise this right by submitting Your request by telephone: (310) 806-9770, by email: tech@hirohouseliving.com or by mail: Hiro House Homes, Calmwater Capital 507 S Douglas St, 2nd Floor El Segundo, CA 90245  Attn: Hiro House Consumer Relations.

HIRO HOUSE provides personal information about customers and prospective customers to HIRO HOUSE Related Companies or unrelated third parties and in return may receive something of value, such as reciprocal services or customer information from them.  In other instances, HIRO HOUSE may receive monetary compensation for referring a prospective customer.  HIRO HOUSE will act on any requests to opt-out of the sale of personal information as soon as it is feasible to implement Your request.  If HIRO HOUSE has sold Your personal information to any HIRO HOUSE Related Companies or unrelated third parties within ninety (90) days of receiving Your opt-out request, HIRO HOUSE will instruct such HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and/or third parties not to sell Your personal information.

SELECTING YOUR PREFERENCES: When selecting Your preferences, You may elect to opt-out of the all sales of the purpose or category of third party involved or You may elect to opt-in to allow sales to only be made to HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and/or unrelated third parties with whom we collaborate with during the home building, home buying and/or home leasing process to permit them to market their products and services to You.

CHANGING YOUR PREFERENCES: If You change Your mind at any time and want to opt-in to allowing the sale of Your personal information You can do so by submitting Your request by telephone: (310) 806-9770, by email: tech@hirohouseliving.com or by mail: Hiro House Homes, Calmwater Capital 507 S Douglas St, 2nd Floor El Segundo, CA 90245  Attn: Hiro House Consumer Relations. However, if You have made an opt-out request, HIRO HOUSE will wait at least twelve (12) months before asking You to reauthorize the sale of personal information.

Right to Know About Personal Information Collected, Disclosed or Sold

As a California consumer, you have the right to request specific information from HIRO HOUSE regarding personal information collected about You or Your household during the last twelve (12) months.  You may request the following information in accordance with such rights:

  • Categories of personal information collected about You.
  • The categories of sources from which the personal information is collected.
  • The business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling personal information
  • For personal information sold or exchanged for value with a third party, the categories of personal information and categories of third parties.
  • For personal information disclosed to a third party for a business purposes, the categories of personal information and categories of third parties.
  • The specific pieces of personal information collected about You (except for very sensitive personally identifiable information).

You may submit a “Right to Know Request” to tech@hirohouseliving.com or any other method identified in the “How to Make a Verifiable California Consumer Request” section below.  Please also review how we verify and respond to these requests in the “How to HIRO HOUSE Will respond to a Verifiable California Consumer Request” section of this Privacy Policy.

Right to Request Deletion of Personal Information

You also have a right as a California consumer to request that HIRO HOUSE delete any personal information about You which HIRO HOUSE has collected from You, subject to a range of exclusions permitted by applicable law.  For example, HIRO HOUSE is not required to delete personal information if it is necessary for HIRO HOUSE to complete Your transaction.  HIRO HOUSE is also not required to delete your personal information if it is for an ongoing business relationship.  Upon receipt and verification of a consumer request to delete personal information, HIRO HOUSE will delete (and direct third-party service providers to delete) Your personal information from HIRO HOUSE’s records, unless an exclusion applies.  To request deletion of Your personal information, You may contact HIRO HOUSE through tech@hirohouseliving.com. When submitting a request to delete Your personal information, please submit information to verify Your identity, such as Your name, email address, etc.

SELECTING YOUR PREFERENCES: When selecting Your preferences, You may elect to opt-out of the all sales of the purpose or category of third party involved or You may elect to opt-in to allow sales to only be made to HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and/or unrelated third parties with whom we collaborate with during the home building, home buying and/or home leasing process to permit them to market their products and services to You.

CHANGING YOUR PREFERENCES: If You change Your mind at any time and want to opt-in to allowing the sale of Your personal information You can do so by submitting Your request by telephone: (310) 806-9770, by email: tech@hirohouseliving.com or by mail: Hiro House Homes, Calmwater Capital 507 S Douglas St, 2nd Floor El Segundo, CA 90245  Attn: Hiro House Consumer Relations.

However, if You have made an opt-out request, HIRO HOUSE will wait at least twelve (12) months before asking You to reauthorize the sale of personal information.

How to Make a Verifiable California Consumer Request

If You reside in California, You may exercise any of Your rights described above by the following methods:

Telephone: (310) 806-9770

By email: tech@hirohouseliving.com

By mail:  Calmwater Capital 507 S Douglas St., 2nd Floor El Segundo, CA 90245 Attn: Hiro House Consumer Relations.

You may be required to provide verification of Your identity, verification of Your California residency and/or information HIRO HOUSE has on file for You such as email address, phone number(s), full names, addresses and other personal information that will help HIRO HOUSE verify the consumer request.  If the identity or authority of the party making a consumer request cannot be confirmed, HIRO HOUSE reserves the right to deny the consumer request.

How to HIRO HOUSE Will respond to a Verifiable California Consumer Request

Subject to any delays and exclusions permitted by applicable law, HIRO HOUSE will respond to a verifiable consumer request within forty-five (45) of receiving such request.  In the event that HIRO HOUSE needs additional time to respond, HIRO HOUSE will notify You in writing of the reason why additional time is necessary and the extension period for response.  In order to be able to provide such writing, HIRO HOUSE will need Your email address or U.S. mailing address, whichever You prefer.  The response to a verifiable consumer request will cover the twelve (12) month period preceding HIRO HOUSE’s receipt of the request.  If for any reason HIRO HOUSE cannot comply with all or part of Your request, HIRO HOUSE explain the reasons why.  For data portability requests, HIRO HOUSE will select a format to provide Your personal information that is readily usable and should allow You to transmit information easily from one entity to another entity.

HIRO HOUSE will not charge You a fee to process or respond to Your verifiable consumer request unless Your request is excessive, repetitive or manifestly unfounded.  Should HIRO HOUSE determine that the request warrants that HIRO HOUSE charge a fee, HIRO HOUSE will communicate why it made that decision along with the estimated costs associated with Your request prior to completing Your request.

Protection from Discrimination for Exercising Rights Under This Section

If You exercise Your California consumer rights under this section, HIRO HOUSE will not discriminate against You for exercising such rights.  Except as legally permitted, HIRO HOUSE will not:

  • Deny You any goods or services.
  • Charge You a different price or rate for goods or services, including through granting discounts, benefits or imposing penalties.
  • Provide You with a different level of quality of goods or services.
  • Suggest that You may receive a different price or rate for goods or services offered, or a different level or quality of goods or services.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, if You affirmatively opt-in to participate, HIRO HOUSE is permitted to offer certain financial incentives that result in different prices, rates or quality levels if the material terms are provided to You in writing.  You may revoke Your opt-in consent at any time.

Financial Incentives

To encourage consumers to provide certain financial information, HIRO HOUSE is permitted to offer certain financial incentives or service incentives.  If You are offered a financial or service benefit program from HIRO HOUSE, You will receive a written Notice of Financial Incentive from HIRO HOUSE that describes the material terms of the program and the process for opting-in to participate and withdrawing (opting-out) from the program.  You will only be enrolled as a participant if You opt-in to the program.  You may revoke Your opt-in election at any time by following the procedures in process outlined in the Notice of Financial Incentive.

Rights Under “Shine the Light” Law

As a California resident, You may request a list of the types of customer information HIRO HOUSE provided to third parties for their direct marketing purposes and the names and addresses of all third parties which whom we have shared such information during the past calendar year.  Within thirty (30) days of a request from You for such information, HIRO HOUSE will provide such information at no cost to You.  Written requests for such information may be submitted to Calmwater Capital 507 S Douglas St., 2nd Floor El Segundo, CA Attn: Hiro House Consumer Relations.  Written responses will be provided within thirty (30) days to the email address or physical address You designate in Your request.

Rights of Nevada Residents

If You reside in the State of Nevada, You may elect to opt-out of the sale of Your personal information by sending a request to tech@hirohouseliving.com. In order for HIRO HOUSE to process such request, please provide the full name of the individual requesting to opt-out.

Rights of International Visitors Including the European Economic Area

If You are located in a country that is outside of the United States, Your country and or local jurisdiction may have consumer and data protection laws that govern what personal information may be collected and how it is protected.  As a United States based homebuilder, HIRO HOUSE follows the consumer protection laws of the United States and the consumer protection laws of the individual states.  The consumer and data protection laws that HIRO HOUSE follows may differ from the laws of Your country or local jurisdiction.  When You provide Your personal information to HIRO HOUSE, or we obtain Your information through Connected Services or other communications with HIRO HOUSE,  You are giving HIRO HOUSE Your express consent to HIRO HOUSE’s processing of Your information in the United States, subjecting such personal information to United States laws and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

You may contact HIRO HOUSE to make requests regarding use of Your personal information.  Such requests may include: (i) restricting the use of Your personal information and transfer of your personal information to HIRO HOUSE Related Companies and unrelated third parties (including profiling to the extent that it is related to HIRO HOUSE’s marketing activities, as described herein, (ii) withdrawing Your consent to the processing of Your personal information (after receipt of such withdrawal of consent) other than with respect to pre-contractual measures or performance of a contract currently under way, (iii) a request to access Your personal data and have it provided to You by HIRO HOUSE in machine readable form, (iv) a request that HIRO HOUSE correct any inaccurate personal data HIRO HOUSE may have, (v) a request that HIRO HOUSE erase personal data because it is no longer necessary for HIRO HOUSE to maintain such personal information, You are withdrawing Your consent to the processing of Your personal data, Your personal data has been unlawfully processed or HIRO HOUSE is required by law to erase Your personal data or (vi) to make a complaint with the national data protection authority in the country You are based.  HIRO HOUSE may require You to verify Your identity before HIRO HOUSE will process Your request.

You may restrict HIRO HOUSE’s use of Your personal information as described above by using the opt-in/opt-out form or by notifying us at tech@hirohouseliving.com. You may withdraw consent to the processing of Your personal information as described above by contacting HIRO HOUSE by email at tech@hirohouseliving.com or by mail to Calmwater Capital 507 S Douglas St., 2nd Floor El Segundo, CA 90245 Attn: Hiro House Consumer Relations.

Privacy Rights in Other Jurisdictions

If you are located in another jurisdiction, You may have rights, under applicable data privacy laws, to request information about or access to Your personal information that HIRO HOUSE maintains, to require that inaccurate information be corrected or, in some circumstances, to object to HIRO HOUSE’s processing of Your personal information. To exercise any rights You may have in another jurisdiction, please send Your written request to Calmwater Capital 507 S Douglas St., 2nd Floor El Segundo, CA 90245 Attn: Hiro House Consumer Relations.

Personal Information of Children

HIRO HOUSE does not knowingly collect or sell personal information from children under 16 years of age without the consent of a parent or other appropriate consent.  HIRO HOUSE will take reasonable measures to promptly delete any personal information belonging to individuals under 16 years of age from HIRO HOUSE’s records if HIRO HOUSE learns that such personal information was collected without appropriate consent.  If You become aware of any personal information we have collected from a child under the age of 16, please contact immediately using the contact methods described in the “How to Contact Us” section of this Privacy Policy.

Former Customers

HIRO HOUSE has the same Privacy Policy for sharing of nonpublic personal information for both current and former customers.

In the Event of a Change of Control

We may buy or sell/divest/transfer the company (including any shares in the company), or any combination of its products, services, assets and/or businesses. Your information such as customer names and email addresses and other user information related to the HIRO HOUSE services may be among the items sold or otherwise transferred in these types of transactions. We may also sell, assign or otherwise transfer such information in the course of corporate divestitures, mergers, acquisitions, bankruptcies, dissolutions, reorganizations, liquidations, similar transactions or proceedings involving all or a portion of the company.


HIRO HOUSE may at any time revise any Legal Disclaimers, this Privacy Policy or any Terms and Conditions by updating the posting on HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services.  We recommend that You periodically visit and review the then current terms and conditions for such legal disclaimers, Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions on HIRO HOUSE’s Connected Services.  You will be bound by any changes made to HIRO HOUSE’s legal disclaimers, this Privacy Policy and terms and conditions.

HIRO HOUSE appreciates You taking the time to read all of this important information.

How to Contact HIRO HOUSE

If You have questions about this Privacy Policy or want more information about HIRO HOUSE’s privacy practices, You can contact us through any of the following methods:

Telephone: (310) 806-9770

By email: tech@hirohouseliving.com

By mail: Calmwater Capital 507 S Douglas St., 2nd Floor El Segundo, CA 90245

Effective Date

This privacy policy is effective as of July 15, 2024 and is incorporated into and subject to the terms and conditions for use of this website.